Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hard Candy in yellow

wow! 10 followers! yay! welcome welcome new followers of the blog! thank you so much for coming along for the ride. it males me very :) and when i am very :) i make more nail polish! 
camera battery is charging and once i get some half-decent pictures of the colors i bottled yesterday i am going live. that means things will be available in the shop. like for sale. for reals.  TODAY! i am determined to have at least some of the t&h signature listings go live today. 

while i tidy things up, here's a comparison shot of Hard candy yellow old & new (since Splendid was my last mani).  
the original Taxi on the right and the newer Splendid on the left. 

they did a good job duping the original i think

here's a not so great shot of me wearing Splendid. 

here's two coats under a daylight bulb. it's streaky but that could probably be fixed with some thinning. i just haven't bothered. yellows are hard. hard to make, hard to wear but they are so fun & bright! 

i tossed on Kleancolor Chunky Holo Black after a day or two of wear 
yellow is a big color for nails this season. try it as a base for Konad or nail art if you think it's too much alone or sport it on the toes with a subtle sparkle or glitter coat!

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